
# report3.pl by Mike Moxcey #
# Third try at displaying data for Oracle/Perl tutorial #
# This one accepts passed in parameters #
# and beginning and ending dates #

$| = 1; # prevents forking so stuff is printed in correct order

# Define include files #

require "cgi-lib.pl"; #ReadParse
require "oracle.pl"; #&sql,fix_string
require "oratut.pl";

&ReadParse (*input);

$call_type = $input{'call_type'}; # open,closed,date_rng
$beg_date = upper($input{'beg_date'});
$end_date = upper($input{'end_date'});

# main #

if ($call_type eq "closed") {
$get_call="where close_date is not null";
$prn_type="Closed Calls";
elsif ($call_type eq "date_rng") {
$get_call="where open_date between to_date('$beg_date','DD-MON-YYYY')
and to_date('$end_date','DD-MON-YYYY') ";
$prn_type="Calls Opened between dates $beg_date and $end_date";
else {
$get_call="where close_date is null";
$prn_type="Open Calls";

print &PrintHeader;
print &HtmlTopTut("$prn_type in Database");
print <<EOM;
<table border>
<tr><th>ID Nr

@sql_show = <<ENDOFSQL;
'<tr><td>', seq,
'</td><td>', priority,
'</td><td>', open_date,
'</td><td>', to_char(open_date,'HH:MI PM'),
'</td><td>', name,
'</td><td>', email,
from oratut.calls $get_call;

##DEBUG print "SQLShow:@sql_show!";

print "</table>";
print &HtmlBotTut;
