©Mike Moxcey 1999
sample report3.pl output

Oracle/Perl Tutorial System

Calls Opened between dates 01-NOV-1998 and 06-NOV-1998 in Database

ID Nr Pri Date Time Name Email Problem
1 1 05-NOV-98 07:06 AM Slick bclinton@whitehouse.gov Unable to light cigar
2 1 05-NOV-98 07:07 AM Edna grandma@aol.com Son won't call
3 1 05-NOV-98 07:07 AM Mike michael.s.moxcey@usda.gov Can't get call data to load

Mike Moxcey
email: Michael.S.Moxcey@usda.gov

Links to Bud Ugly Web Designs, Cooltext.com, and Web Page Tutorial sites.
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