Mike Moxcey ©2005

Mama Don't Allow

This chord progression is identical to Crawdad Song.
Or to Coming Around the Mountain if that one sounds better.

You could change the V chord to a V7 for a little spice.
For even more spice, you could try a seventh version of the IV chord on the second strum.


I / / / | / / V7 / |I / IV IV7 | I V7 I / |
1. Mama don't allow no singing around here.
    Mama don't allow no singing around here.
    Well, we don't care what mama don't allow, gonna sing our heads off anyhow,
    mama don't allow no singing around here.

2. Mama don’t allow no guitar-playing,…

etc: mandolin-,banjo-picking, fiddle-,harmonica-playing.

handclapping, footstomping, beer-drinking.

Last: Mama don’t allow no stopping ( and stop dead at: we're gonna stop)
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